Entry rules

For the Native Advertising Awards

Call for Entries

Entry to the Native Advertising Awards 2025 opens on November 4. 

Deadlines, entry fees, and payment

Regular Entry Deadline: January 19, 2025 - €299 per entry

The final deadline for entries is January 19, 2025.
Until payment is received, your entries are considered PENDING and will not be eligible for judging. You will receive a notification once your payment is registered in our system.


There will be no refunds once a submission is complete. A submission that fails to meet the specifications requested below will not be eligible for judging and will be excluded without notice and refunds.

Choosing categories

We have 29 different categories in 5 Clusters: Organization, Strategy, Channels, Format and Special Programs. You are welcome to submit an entry in multiple categories if relevant. However, the same case entry can maximum be submitted in 3 categories.

The jury reserves the right to alter your entry to fit the category if needed.

Entry essentials

To be eligible for judging, your entry has to meet the following criteria:

  • All sections of the entry formula have to be filled and, if possible, a video or PDF showreel of your campaign or company should be included in the entry.
  • Video content on Youtube / Vimeo and web-based material are preferred instead of video attachments.
  • Supporting material should not surpass 5 MB if used as an attachment.
  • A 15 second video snippet without audio or subtitles should be sumitted along with the case entry. This snippet will be used in the production of shortlist and potential winner announcements online as well as at the physical awards ceremony.

Jury criteria

The jury will look for campaigns and companies that have demonstrated success and excelled with native advertising activities over the past 12 months. Entries should relate to work that has been active within 2024.

We kindly advise you to provide clear evidence to support and prove your success. This includes clear metrics around KPIs, creative assets and links to your work that may help demonstrate the quality of your entry.

Scoring criteria:

Winners are selected for recognition based on 'overall experience", as well as excellence in the following areas:
– Strategic excellence
– Creativity & Innovation
– Actual ROI/results related to strategic objectives and initial campaign KPI’s

The Jury

The jury is curated across nations and continents and counts professionals chosen based on their experience in the field of native advertising and branded content. Jury members from agencies, studios, vendors, and platforms are not eligible for judging in categories where entries from their own work have been submitted. This rule will be honored at all times.

The Judging process

1. Judges score each entry within each category based on the outlined criteria.

2. All jury scores are combined to create an overall score for each entry.

3. The scores are then totalled and the highest-scoring entries will determine the shortlist.

4. The jury discusses the highest-scoring entries and then agrees on the category winner.

Shortlist announcement

The shortlist will be announced in March 2025. The winners of the Global Native Advertising Awards 2025 will be announced at the Native Advertising Awards May 22nd 2025 at an award show in  Pressens Hus in Copenhagen, Denmark. 

Return of materials

All entries submitted to the Native Advertising Awards become the property of Native Advertising Awards and are likely to be used in a promotional context. If parts of your submission should not be disclosed to the public, please indicate this on the entry form by stating DO NOT SHARE. Such requests will always be respected.

Additional questions?

Contact NAI at hello@nativeadvertisinginstitute.com