7 Tips on Writing an Irresistible Native Ad Headline

By James Baxter on June 20, 2020
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In the age of information overload and short attention spans, crafting an irresistible headline has become a delicate art.

Think about it; you only click on catchy titles when scrolling through your social media feed. This same principle applies to native advertising. You want the headline to stand out without seeming out of place.

Sounds a bit contradictory, right? But in reality, you can easily pull this off without the help of a content specialist or essay writer. All you need is a better understanding of the users and a good story to write a killer headline.

So, here are seven tips for writing native ad headlines that sell.

1 - Know your audience

When crafting a headline, you need to identify your consumer demographics.

Who are these people? What are their interests? What is the average age?

Understanding the audience will help you craft a targeted headline that addresses specific needs. For example, if most of your users are teenagers, your headline should contain simple phrases and pop-culture references.

Your headline should also reflect the vibe of the social media platform on which you want to place the ad. Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook often have a playful vibe, and your ad should blend in smoothly.

How to identify your audience

Engagement with customers is the best way to know your audience better. Publish surveys and questionnaires to identify your users’ specific needs and interests. Also, participation in user forums helps you tailor your ad headline to user demands. Consequently, your native advertising campaign will lead to higher conversion rates.

2 - Keep it simple

Headline writing is not a dissertation. It is always important to keep the title relevant and concise. Research has shown that users only read the first line of the headline before making up their minds. This means that you have a limited window to impress the potential customer.

Therefore, ensure that the native ad headline does not exceed 60 characters. Also, use simple words that won’t require a Thesaurus to figure out.

In the same vein, your headline should not be too short. You can’t just write “Online Marketing” and expect the reader to be completely enamored by what you are offering. Short titles like this provide no value for the customers and are most likely to be overlooked. In essence, combine simplicity with value for an impactful ad headline.



3 - Don’t exaggerate

“This cream is the best cosmetic product ever.”

No one likes aggressive and deceptive marketing. We always feel repulsed when we suspect that someone is trying to shove a product down our throats. And the natural reaction is to return the aggression with an equal level of rejection.

Moreover, outlandish claims like the one above will make any potential customer roll their eyes and scroll past your ad. Some might even go ahead to report the product for false advertising.

Don’t oversell the product with bogus claims. You need to keep the sentence believable and subtle. Get rid of clickbait titles.

Here are some great titles and native advertising examples:

  • How to Lose Weight in Record Time
  • Tips to Improve your Creative Potential
  • Dating Photos that Will Make you Fall in Love

4 - Use numbers

Headline writing can only be improved by adding numbers. Quantifying the solution creates a sense of scale and proportion in the user’s mind. Also, humans love grading things by assigning them a numerical hierarchy.

How many times have you argued with your friends about the top ten singers or golfers of all time? I guess a whole lot. And during these conversations, the great decider is often an internet search.

Moreover, the presence of a numerical value gives the underlying content an extra level of sophistication. Let’s check out these two examples:

A: Some Expert Tips to Improve Your Conversation Rate
B: 10 Expert Tips to Improve Your Conversation Rate

Example A sounds effective but a bit unsure — as if the list compiler is guessing. On the other hand, example B sounds convincing and well-researched. So, consider including numbers in your ad headlines when necessary.

5 - Evoke emotion with adjectives

Emotion and context are key factors when crafting a title for your ad. A bland title sets a bad precedent and makes your title uninteresting. Use adjectives and power words to add value to your title.

Here are some excellent and not-so-good examples:

  • Good: 10 Useful Writing Tools for Eye-catching Content
  • Weak: 10 Tools for Content Writing
  • Good: 13 Amazing Travel Destinations in Singapore
  • Weak: 13 Places to Visit in Singapore

Adjectives like ‘useful’, ‘eye-catching’, and ‘amazing’ add extra verve to the sentence in a headline. They help to pique the reader’s interest. However, using these mouth-watering adjectives often lead to exaggeration — something you must avoid. So, maintain the balance and apply common sense when using adjectives.

6 - Ask a question

Question headlines are useful because they portray the reader’s thoughts. It is the perfect way to mirror the reader’s state of mind.

Think about it; most of your google searches start as questions in your head before you type in a search keyword.

Who is the owner of KFC? How long is a leap year? What is the best place to visit in Wyoming?

So, posing a question with your headline immediately resonates with the reader.

An alternative to posing a question is providing the answer in the headline. This is a more direct approach since it immediately notifies the reader that the following content offers a solution to their problems.

For example:

  • How to Enjoy an Outstanding Experience in Wyoming
  • 10 Reasons Why Elections Never Solve Problems

7 - Keep it informal and positive

A native ad is similar to a sales pitch in the sense that you are trying to convince someone about your product’s value. However, a sales pitch is a formal presentation to people in management positions. Conversely, an ad is an informal sales pitch, and the language is casual.

Keep the tone laidback and fun. Use simple words, funny puns, and inspirational phrases. Your primary concern is to connect with the reader on a personal level. Also, the tone of the headline must be positive and uplifting. No one wants to click on a depressing and lackluster headline.

Bonus Tip

Sometimes, the headline that sounds just perfect in your head looks out of place. Moreover, you need a headline that captures attention, evokes emotions, and contains keywords all in one. In these situations, the opinions of experts can come in handy. Alternatively, you can use online tools to analyze your native ad headline’s quality.

One of the most useful tools for this analysis is a headline analyzer. These tools (paid or free) evaluate all the aspects mentioned earlier to determine a headline score. Also, you can make changes in real-time to improve the score. In the end, you will come up with a catchy, impactful native advertising headline that will generate a lot of traffic.

Writing a headline is an art form that involves empathizing with the reader or potential customer. You need to keep the language simple, positive, and relatable. Don’t write exaggerated and misleading headlines for your ads, and don’t use too many big words. Besides, you can ask a question or provide the answer for more impact. Ultimately, apply these tips and enjoy increased traffic on your content.