Goals and objectives
In 2023, Pepsi MAX chose Schibsted Partnerstudio to create a different and playful campaign under the slogan ”Maximize this Christmas”. Overall, PepsiCo had a vision to dominate Christmas in Norway and simultaneously become the soft drink Norwegians associate with the holiday season. Despite Norwegians consuming Pepsi MAX in larger quantities than any other country, Coca-Cola has long been the brand associated with Christmas. PepsiCo, through its Christmas campaigns in recent years, has clearly demonstrated its intention to change that.
The media goals for this campaign were to achieve maximum visibility and dissemination, and time invested in the content. The campaign aimed to stand out and generate significant attention and engagement among the target audience (18-65 years old), with a main focus on 18-45. Additionally, there was a goal to create awareness around Pepsi MAX’s Christmas activities popping up throughout Norway in December.
Schibsted Partnerstudio worked closely with Pepsi MAX’s Norwegian media agency (OMD) and event agency (Fuse) from the beginning. The underlying idea and plan were to maximize everything from distribution to small details on the content side. We understood that thinking big and innovatively about both format and outreach was necessary. Ambitious goals were set for guaranteed visibility through placements of both content and display ads.