Goals and objectives
The customer's brand, Gazprom Neft, is highly recognizable not only in Russia, but also in the international market. The joint special project between Gazprom Neft and the Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency focuses on the following goals:
• from the customer’s perspective, to boost the company’s reputation as a responsible and eco-friendly producer, as well as an organizer and sponsor of environmental and other socially significant initiatives;
• from the ria.ru platform, to share the background, methods and outcome of the gray whale environmental monitoring for the project audience; to show this platform as a rostrum for the environmental agenda as much as other topics;
• from society’s perspective, we were interested in carrying out an educational and public mission, namely: to bring an environmental problem to public attention and show possible ways and means for addressing it; to provide a wide audience with the opportunity to learn more about the endangered species of mammals; and to see unique photo and video content provided by the customer specifically for this project.
To meet the above objectives, we chose a format that would be the most visually effective – a multimedia longread. We used unique photo and video content with expert commentary, and prepared animated infographics and illustrations.