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What 'Persevering Preservations: Singapore Stories' Teaches About Heritage Marketing

Goals and objectives

Singapore is more than just a metropolis of golden lights, gleaming landmarks and soaring skyscrapers. It is a tapestry of myriad narratives — tales of tenacity and grace under pressure, connected by the common threads of passion and empathy. It is a landscape of kaleidoscopic cultures, unified in a sense of solidarity and shared belonging. Home to artists, zookeepers and fishermen, whose everyday acts shine bright as symbols of bravery. It can be found in the life journeys of teachers who turned into musicians, hawkers feeding the hungry, and champions who have been knocked down but who never, ever tap out.

A city is made of stories, and with that motivation Singapore Tourism Board invited Morning Studio and others to tell these stories.

During the tough time of COVID-19, the objective for this project was for creators to create stories of Singapore and its people — around the themes of Strength, Resilience, Solidarity or Unity.

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